GreenPoint Rated, our certification program for high-performing homes, would not be possible without the investment and efforts of our Raters. Through these spotlights, we hope to provide a glimpse into the individuals behind the work—how they became interested in building healthier homes, how their perspectives have changed over time, and what they enjoy when they’re not on the job.

JENNIFER WEBB | Engineering Manager, Verandi Partners

A college speaker series about environmental science helped me realize that sustainability was the field for me.  I completed a study on the greenhouse gas emissions of farmers’ markets for my master’s capstone soon after, as well as an independent study on California’s building standards. Before I knew it, I was working in the green building industry and learning all I could about how to make the buildings we live and work in better for everyone!

The first time I heard about GreenPoint Rated was on the job at my former company, Partner Energy. We had a number of projects pursuing GreenPoint Rated where I assisted on plan reviews, submittal reviews, client coordination, and site visits. As I started learning more, I wanted to take on a bigger role and help my company see these projects from design through construction and certification. I was very excited to take the training and receive my certification; both the GreenPoint Rated and Certified Green Building Professional trainings provided me with a solid foundation to enter the industry.

Green building consulting is an exciting field to be in and there are many opportunities for growth—I once earned four certifications in one year!—but it can also come with some challenges. One example is working with design and construction teams who have limited experience with green buildings. These teams are excited to learn about the field, but it takes work and coordination to make sure everyone is on the same page.

Another challenge with new multifamily construction projects in particular is meeting the energy goals for low-rise, mixed-fuel buildings. The targets are high to encourage developers to switch to all electric, but some clients may be hesitant or concerned about higher costs or availability of equipment. However, I am optimistic that the cost will go down as demand goes up, and new technologies are always being introduced. As California continues to focus on decarbonization, I think owners, tenants, and developers will become more comfortable with the idea of an all-electric building.

In general, being a GreenPoint Rater has helped me look at the bigger picture. We can’t focus on just waste or only energy—every area of sustainability is important. I’ve been known to educate friends or family on green buildings when we pass by a construction site. It’s hard to not share the knowledge with others!

Outside of work, I enjoy going to theme parks with friends and am always planning my next Las Vegas trip. I also love trying new vegan recipes—especially desserts!