GreenPoint Rated Spotlight
A BIG Community Effort
GreenPoint Rated Spotlight
Affordable Senior Living in Vista, CA

- Name: The Grove
- Location: 815 Civic Center Drive, Vista, CA
- Size / Number of Units: 81
- Type: Affordable Senior Housing
Project Team:
- Developer: Wakeland Housing
- Rater: Linda Tim, stok
- Level Achieved: GreenPoint Rated Gold
- Points Earned: 114
- Version: New Home Multifamily (v.7.0)
Photographs by: Brady Architectural Photography
Key Features
Featuring ample shared outdoor space, private balconies, on-site programs, and easy access to public transit, this senior living community enhances the lives of its residents by fostering connection and supporting their ongoing independence through thoughtful sustainable design and programming. stok led the project’s GreenPoint Rated pursuit with a focus on solar photovoltaics and solar hot water planning and implementation. projected savings from pursuing above code performance with the GreenPoint Rated system include:
- 21.5% reduction in energy usage compared to baseline
- 5.6% reduction in water usage compared to baseline
- 1,239 tons of solid waste diverted from landfill
- 1,569 tons of CO2 emissions avoided
- $200 estimated annual savings per unit on energy bills
To see what features contributed to the project earning its GreenPoint Rated Gold status, hover over each category below.
Energy Efficiency
Home outperforms state energy efficiency requirements (Title 24)Solar Hot Water Heating
ENERGY STAR Refrigerators
Health / Air Quality
Health & Air Quality
Low-emitting insulation(per CDPH Standard)
Low-emitting flooring
Detached garage
Water Conservation
Water Conservation
Drought-tolerant and California native species used in landscapingStormwater control system
WaterSense showerheads
Resource Conservation
Resource Conservation
75% C&D waste diversionDurable flooring
Insulation with recycled content
100% affordable housing for seniorsReduced parking to promote more public transit use and walking and biking to nearby services
Developed on infill site (former motel)
Achieving a GreenPoint Rated Gold certification goes above and beyond the minimum requirements, and developers Wakeland Housing, in partnership with GreenPoint Rater, Linda Tim (stok), have succeeded in building a healthier home for their future residents. The project was financed with support from the California Advanced Homes Program, which formally recognizes the GreenPoint Rated program.
Thanks in part to the efforts of the GreenPoint Rater, Linda Tim (stok), Wakeland Housing decided to include a solar-PV system sized to maximize the property's roof space and offset the residents' usage, helping all tenants save money on their energy bills.
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Impact Highlights
Health / Air Quality
Water Conservation
Resource Conservation
Their GreenPoint Rated Journey
- Pre-construction Kickoff meeting with Rater and Sub-contractors aligns vision and saves time and money throughout the process.
- Automatic points were earned through developing an infill site, increasing density, and reducing parking capacity due to having pedestrian and bike access to amenities.
- Affordable housing points earned for dedicating units for households making 80% AMI or less
- 75% of C&D waste diverted
- Prescriptive path of filtration and/or bioretention features + non-leaching roofing material
- No invasive species listed by CAL-IPC and only drought-tolerant, California natives used
Building Envelope
- Better indoor air quality inside the home due to a detached garage and insulation meeting CDPH standard method of low emissions in the walls and flooring.
- Durable roofing material through ensuring it has a roofing warranty
- Insulation in walls, floors and ceilings have 30% post-consumer or 60% post-industrial recycled content
- Water-efficient WaterSense plumbing fixtures (i.e. showerheads and toilets) installed
- Sealed combustion water heater
- Whole house mechanical ventilation installed to meet ASHRAE Standard 62.2 2010 for improved indoor air quality.
- Solar hot water systems to pre-heat domestic hot water
- Title 24 was prepared and signed by a CABEC Certified Energy Analyst to confirm performance exceeds energy code by at least 10%.
- Low-emitting flooring meets CDPH 2010 and durable (i.e. not carpet) flooring
- Size efficient ENERGY STAR Refrigerators
- Central laundry
– Daniel Thompson
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